After my offer was accepted, there were many things to do before finalizing the mortgage paperwork. I hired an inspector, negotiated repairs and improvements, as well as filled out a whole lot of paperwork. My lender (Supreme Lending) was extremely knowledgeable, and answered every question I had along the way. They did all of the heavy lifting, which made for an incredibly painless waiting period. Before I knew it, the option period was over and the final paperwork was being drawn up. It was time to begin preparing to move!

Transfer Utilities: A week or so before moving I arranged to transfer my utilities. I would say it’s smart to arrange the transfer as soon as you know that you will be able to secure the mortgage for certain. Luckily in my case, the gas and other utilities hadn’t been turned off in the house I was purchasing so there was no interruption of service. In the case of my cable internet I was not so lucky. They required a bit more notice, so I was unable to get the internet hooked up until a few days after moving in. I arranged for all utilities at the old house to be shut off the day after I was to move out to avoid paying for unused energy. If you want to be safe, arrange for them to be shut off a few days after your move out date, just in case things are delayed for any reason.

Prepare for Road Bumps: Since I had requested to close early, my lender had to expedite the process a bit. This made for some last minute confusion. I was set to close at 11am and we did not end up signing the paperwork until that evening (and actually closing the next day). Everything worked out because I was working with such a great team, but I could see things getting a bit stressful if plans are not made a bit flexible. Make sure to hire movers at least a day after you are set to close, just in case delays occur. Same thing goes for any friends or family that might be helping you move. Before asking them to change their plans, be sure your house is actually closed.

Sign the Paperwork: The closing documents are generally signed at the title company. I used Trinity Title, and they were extremely helpful and nice. They calmed my nerves before showing me the huge pile of paperwork I’d be signing. When I say it was huge, I am not kidding. This was the biggest document I had ever seen. They patiently explained each page I was signing, showed me where to sign, and answered questions I had along the way. I really couldn’t have asked for a better home buying experience. My only bit of advice here, is to make sure you give yourself at least an hour to go over and sign all of the documents needed to secure a mortgage.

After the paperwork was signed, I was handed my keys! I am now a homeowner, and it feels great! Austin is a wonderful place to live, and now I’ve secured my little corner of it. With the help of my Realtor, my lender, and the title company, I am happy to report that buying a home was a completely painless process. If you are thinking about purchasing your first home, I encourage you to use one of the incredibly knowledgeable Realtors at HomeCity