The last frost has passed, the kids are almost out of school for the summer, but for some reason, you feel like your home still has the winter blues. Maybe it’s the flannel sheets that are still on your bed, or maybe it's the cluttered shelves full of random knick-knacks you got during the holidays. Instead of letting your home become dull and dusty, it’s time to get it freshened up to match the gorgeous weather outside!

Read on to learn more about some simple projects you can do to get your home fresh and ready for the spring and summer ahead.

Add Lots of Greenery Indoors and Out

When you have a clean, organized room with lots of natural light, the cherry to top off your space is a bunch of indoor plants. Indoor plants make your home cleaner, literally, and make your space feel more inviting. Indoor plants are also known to make us feel happier, and there’s something about having living plants indoors that makes a room feel fresh and revitalized.

And even if you live in a small apartment with little to no direct sunlight, there are a variety of house plants that prefer and thrive with low-light conditions.

Declutter Your Space

Nothing makes a space feel more dingey and cramped than piles of stuff on the counters and shelves. Liberate your space by doing a bit of decluttering in the bedrooms, kitchen, and living room. You know how it goes: make three piles, one for donate, one for garbage/recycle, and one for items you’ll keep. You’ll be surprised at how much stuff is in your space that you never use that someone else could appreciate.

Evaluate Your Decor & Accessories

Chances are part of your decluttering project will involve re-evaluating your decorations and little trinkets that are starting to clutter your space. When it comes to creating a space that is fresh and revitalized, less is more.

One way to make sure that your decor doesn’t overwhelm your space is to stick to the rule of 3. The rule of 3 is essentially the concept that items look best when organized in groups of 3. Whether that be a picture frame, a small sculpture, and a candle, or a stack of books, a globe, and a flower vase, your space will feel a lot less cluttered but still well decorated.

Spend a Weekend Doing Some Deep Spring Cleaning

Along with decluttering your space, take some time to clean every little nook and cranny of your home. After all, nothing says fresh quite like squeaky clean tiles and crystal clear windows. After you’re done scrubbing the bathtub and dusting all the window sills, finish your hard work off with a natural home deodorizer.

Give Your Entryway a Makeover

The best way to establish a refreshed and clean home is to start with the first thing your guests will see: the entryway. Give your entryway a fresh coat of paint and declutter the space by adding a shoe rack and some coat hangers.

As for your outdoor entryway, consider painting your front door a bright color to add some visual interest to your home’s exterior. Clear your front porch of any nearby weeds or debris and plant some colorful flowers to make the space a little more welcoming.

Clean Up Your Garden Beds and Yard

In the same way that decluttering your home’s interior makes your space feel refreshed, cleaning up your garden will have the same effect on your backyard. Take a weekend to weed out all of your garden beds, and spray a natural homemade weed killer to prevent them from coming back. Lay down a fresh layer of mulch and add some flowers to bring your backyard back to life!

Switch Out Your Bedding

Go out with the winter and in with the spring by swapping out the bedding in your master bedroom, kids’ rooms, and guest rooms.

Put away the heavy blankets and flannel sheets and swap them out with some crisp, white linens to make your space lighter and brighter. Add a floral bed skirt and some throw pillows to add an extra pop of spring. 

Establish a Shady, Relaxing Space

As the days get longer, warmer, and sunnier, of course, you’re going to want to hang out in your backyard. Make your backyard more inviting to your guests by establishing a shady space for everyone to kick back and relax in without having to be directly in the sun.

There are a few different options for creating shade in your backyard. Whether you want to grow some tall canopy trees, add a few umbrellas to your patio, or create a whole new space with a gazebo, your guests will appreciate the opportunity to hang out outside without squinting and getting a sunburn. Add some comfy chairs and a fire pit, and you’ll have a brand new backyard oasis just in time for those long summer nights.

Open The Windows and Let The Fresh Air Flow

Sometimes freshening up your space is as simple as opening some windows and doors and letting the fresh air flow through! Getting fresh, clean air flowing through your house lets your space breathe and all that stale winter air is kicked out to let the fresh spring air in.

Add Bold Pops of Color to Your Space

In winter and fall, home decor is a bit darker and features earth tones to compliment the seasons. Spring decor, on the other hand, is all about bright colors to liven the place up a bit! Consider adding some colorful accent pillows or decorative vases with a bouquet of spring flowers to make the living room pop!

Finish it All Off With a Stovetop Potpourri

After you’ve cleared out the dust bunnies, decluttered your space, and added some spring-inspired decor to your home and garden, finish up all your hard work with an aromatic stovetop potpourri to add some fresh, spring scents to your home. While there is an endless number of scent combinations you could try, some of the best stovetop potpourri ingredients include citrus, mint, thyme, and ginger.